20 herramientas para facilitar la vida de un desarrollador web -

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Si trabaja como desarrollador web hoy en día, seguramente tendrá mucho trabajo por delante. La influencia que Internet tiene en nuestra vida cotidiana es innegable, por lo que es natural que todas las empresas y organizaciones tengan una fuerte presencia online. Esto significa que existe mucha presión sobre los desarrolladores y diseñadores web para producir resultados impresionantes en el menor tiempo posible. Afortunadamente para ellos, existen varias herramientas que les ayudarán a hacerles la vida más fácil y hemos reunido las 20 principales.

Índice de contenidos
  1. 1. goma de máscara
  2. 2. Motor de expresión
  3. 3. Creador de HTML5
  4. 4.Argento
  5. 5. Maestro de plantillas
  6. 6. Icon Maker
  7. 7. BugMuncher
  8. 8. Tickera
  9. 9. Kukook
  10. 10. Themify
  11. 11. Opinion Stage
  12. 12. Webflow
  13. 13. Uptime Robot
  14. 14. Adverts
  15. 15. CoffeeCup
  16. 16. Daily Hosting
  17. 17. GoJS JavaScript Library for HTML5 Canvas
  18. 18. XQual
  19. 19. VirtueMart
  20. 20. MotoCMS

1. goma de máscara

Entre todas las plantillas y temas que puedes encontrar en Internet, es difícil encontrar uno que sea visualmente atractivo y responsivo. Afortunadamente, Gridgum es un nicho de mercado para temas y plantillas que enfatizan la calidad sobre la cantidad. Todos sus temas son responsivos y hermosos. Gridgum se distingue de todos los demás mercados al esforzarse por complacer y atraer tanto a vendedores como a compradores. Como comprador en Gridgum, puede explorar cientos de temas interesantes y estar seguro de que todos responden. También puedes guardar los puntos que recibes en tus pedidos y canjear un descuento en tu próxima compra; Además, Gridgum no tiene un recargo de PayPal en las compras, como otros mercados. En Gridgum también puedes comunicarte directamente con el autor de tu tema o plantilla en caso de que necesites ayuda. Para los vendedores, Gridgum ofrece una comisión fija. Si vendes un tema exclusivamente, recibirás un 75 % de ganancias, mientras que si tu tema no es exclusivo, solo obtendrás un 45 %. También permite a los vendedores ofrecer un paquete de instalación, como carga adicional para los compradores. Gridgum ofrece temas de WordPress y Bootstrap (consulte la increíble colección que ofrecen actualmente), así como paneles de administración para personas que están comprando su nuevo sitio web. Además, acepta temas creados con los frameworks Bootstrap, Gumby y Skeleton e incluso frameworks de creación propia.

2. Motor de expresión

ExpressionEngine es una herramienta flexible de gestión de contenidos creada por EllisLab. Esta herramienta le ayudará a gestionar fácilmente el contenido de su sitio web. Con ExpressionEngine, el contenido está separado del diseño, lo que le brinda la libertad de mostrarlo como quiera y en cualquier lugar que desee. No es necesario realizar ninguna modificación en la aplicación para adaptarla a un determinado tipo de sitio web, porque ya funciona bien con cualquier cosa, desde comercio electrónico hasta turismo, bienes raíces o blogs personales. Además, no es necesario tener conocimientos de programación, ya que la herramienta es muy fácil de instalar y utilizar. Sin embargo, si eres programador, descubrirás que ExpressionEngine es una de las herramientas de gestión de contenidos más potentes y extensibles que existen. Si tiene algún problema con la herramienta, existen recursos comunitarios como ExpressionEngine Answers en StackExchange, donde puede obtener ayuda y resolver cualquier problema que encuentre. Para obtener más información sobre ExpressionEngine, consulte el sitio web de EllisLab.

3. Creador de HTML5

En el mundo actual, todo gira en torno a la publicidad, las imágenes y llamar la atención del público. ¿Y qué mejor manera de lograr todo eso que con animaciones? HTML5Maker es uno de los mejores servicios en línea que puede ayudarte a crear contenido multimedia animado, como pancartas o controles deslizantes, y ni siquiera necesitarás habilidades de diseño o desarrollo para eso. Con HTML5Maker es muy fácil crear algo para tu campaña publicitaria o un nuevo banner para hacer tu blog más interesante, porque la herramienta viene con muchas funciones excelentes. El Editor de animación en línea y el Editor de imágenes en línea lo ayudarán a ser creativo en poco tiempo. Las animaciones que crees serán compatibles con Google AdWords y Google Double-Click. Hay muchas plantillas listas para usar entre las que puede elegir. Además, puedes incrustar tus animaciones desde la nube en tu sitio web o compartirlas con tus amigos o clientes como una Plantilla.


Argentotheme.com ofrece una de las mejores plantillas de Magento disponibles. Argento es una gran plantilla si deseas renovar tu tienda en línea, ya que es visualmente atractiva y altamente funcional. Argento se basó en las mejores prácticas de tiendas de comercio electrónico y de acuerdo con las pautas de los desarrolladores de Magento. Dado que el SEO es esencial para el comercio electrónico, Argento está optimizado para SEO con etiquetas y atributos HTML. Además de esto, también responde, por lo que funciona sin problemas en cualquier dispositivo. Argento escala para adaptar cualquier resolución de pantalla y funciona igual de bien con iOS, Android o BlackBerry, por lo que no tendrá que crear una aplicación móvil separada para su tienda. Argento también tiene muchas extensiones populares como búsqueda AJAX, productos destacados, control deslizante fácil y muchas otras que harán que su sitio web sea fácil de usar. Además, el equipo ofrece instalar la plantilla de forma gratuita en menos de 24 horas para que no tengas que preocuparte por perder tiempo con la instalación.

5. Maestro de plantillas

If you’re looking for a fully functional Magento templateTemplates-Master.com is the place for you. The team designs the best templates based on improved HTML and they also focus greatly on SEO. Moreover, they’re constantly coming up with updates, so they’re products will work with any recent Magento releases. Templates Master has developed the Magento Page Cache in order to make your store faster and also to help you pay less for your hosting packages. Page Cache is based on core Magento architecture that supports both static and dynamic blocks. The tool is very easy to install and also has some additional extension settings you can use to set flexible cache rules. You have access to installation instructions and manual and you also get 1 year of free support from the professional developers at Templates Master so you won’t have to worry about any problems you might encounter with Magento Page Cache. To find out more information on this great tool, check out the website.

6. Icon Maker

FreeIconMaker.com will allow your creativity to flow free by enabling you to design countless icon sets in seconds. You can stop looking for the ideal icon that will flawlessly blend in with the theme of your web site. Just head over to Icon Maker and make your own custom icon set exactly the way you want it. Browse through Icon Maker’s diverse icon gallery and choose the one you like best. From here on you can play around with the color, gradients, inner shadow and size. If you’re thinking your icon set will lose quality once it’s resized, you can stop worrying because all the files are vector based and they’ll preserve their neat look regardless of dimension. Free Icon Maker allows you to create an unlimited number of icon sets for free. You can make flat or 3D icons without having any design skills and at the end you can even share your icons with the other users as a template.

7. BugMuncher

BugMuncher is the perfect tool for receiving feedback from your users on your live site. The users will be able to take a screenshot of the highlighted problem on your website and send it directly to your mailbox or to other third parties. You can also pass custom information about your users into BugMuncher, like the authenticated user’s ID. This data is then saved along with the feedback report and screenshot. Using all of this information you received with a single screenshot from BugMuncher you can recreate the conditions under which the feedback report was sent, which means you can fix the issue quicker. BugMuncher automatically captures the really important data that many of your users simply don’t know, like the name and version of their browser, their operating system, the browser plugins they have, and the path they took through your web site. BugMuncher is user friendly, quick to install and can be integrated with other tools like Zendesck, Trello and ActiveCollab.

8. Tickera

Tickera is a simple event ticketing system that will help you create and sell tickets straight from your web site. This WordPress plugin is commission free and comes with a Barcode Reader that will significantly improve your check-in process and leave less people waiting at the door. Tickera also supports over 85 payment gateways in over 50 countries. That means you can use any payment gateway you want, they are all built-in and you can change them at any time. Tickera works well and looks good with almost every WordPress theme out there. Another cool thing you can do is create an unlimited number of discount codes available for all your tickers or just a certain type. The ticket builder feature lets you create ticket templates for each kind of ticket. You can do this by dragging and dropping elements, rearranging them, changing font sizes and colors, changing the ticket paper size or its orientation and even adding your own background image.

9. Kukook

If you’re in the market of a new job and you want to make sure that your resume gets the attention it rightfully deserves, head on over toKukook and get yourself one of the best CV templates available anywhere. Kukook offers you a gallery of professional, elegant resume templates which will ensure that your application will pique the interest of a recruitment manager. All of Kukook’s templates are easy to modify using Word so you will be able to add all your personal and professional information to them effortlessly. By using creative, unique templates for your CV you can show that you are both innovative and in tune with all the latest trends on the market. It also shows that you put thought into selecting the way your resume looks and you’re guaranteed to make the right impression with the templates you find on Kukook. Be one step ahead of your competition and let Kukook help you get closer to the job you want.

10. Themify

For a wide range of functional templates you can check outThemify.me. They offer themes that are very easy to customize with the help of features like DragDrop Builder, custom widgets and shortcodes, so you don’t have to write a single line of code. Themify.me recently came up with a new set of tools – theBuilder Addons. The Builder Addons extend the Themify Builder and can be used with any Themify theme and the Builder Plugin. Here are some of the addons. The Pointers tool places animated text boxes and other pointers on your images in order to draw attention. The WooCommerce module helps you customize you shop pages. There’s also a Timeline tool that allows you to create list views or timeline graph layouts of your posts. You can also display the progress of an ongoing project in an animated way with the help of the ProgressBar tool.

11. Opinion Stage

In need for quick feedback from your users? Or are you looking to increase the daily numbers of views on your site? Opinion Stage will help you achieve this and more. Opinion Stage is an opinion polling service for websites. It lets you create your own polls that target social sharing or boost engagement. Opinion Stage is very intuitive and quick to use: from registering you’ll only need a few minutes until your poll is online, ready to be used. You can customize your poll by choosing between answers with multiple choice or head to head (only 2 answers). You can also choose what else will be displayed, like, for example, the numbers of votes. With Opinion Stage you can even make a profit from your polls by adding commercials or promoting other polls from across the network. The rich reporting dashboard will keep you posted with the results of your polls and will inform you how your polls are doing on the social networks.

12. Webflow

Webflow is the best application to turn to in order to design your website without having to write any code. With this tool you will be able to simply drag and drop the elements you need within a visual design tool and let it worry about generating all the code. Webflow gives you all the tools you need in order to customize the design of your website in any way you see fit straight from ints editor, no more Photoshop needed. Also, you can be assured that all HTML5 and CSS3 that comes out of Webflow is completely W3S compliant as well as cross-browser compatible.

13. Uptime Robot

Uptime Robot is an online service that will help you monitor HTTP(s), Ping, Port and Check Keywords. It is extremely useful for website and server owners alike. By using the 50 monitors that Uptime Robot gives you access to, you can be constantly kept up to date about your uptime, downtime and response times. Uptime Robot is easy to set up thanks to its intuitive and modern interface and will start checking the websites or servers you tell it to every 5 minutes and notify you in the event a problem is detected. You have complete freedom to choose the way in which the notifications reach you: email, SMS, mobile push messages, RSS and more. Also, from within the interface you will have quick access to all the statistics that Uptime Robot has gathered for you. What’s more, Uptime Robot has a full featured API for developers as well. You can use this API to integrate Uptime Monitor in your apps and benefit from its usefulness fully.

14. Adverts

If you’re looking to create a classifieds website or just add this functionality to your existing website, then Adverts is the tool for you. Freshly launched by the same team that created WPJobBoard, Adverts is a WordPress plugin that handles classifieds in an elegant and professional manner. Created to work seamlessly with any properly coded WordPress theme, Adverts is as easy to install as any other WordPress plugin and it comes with the possibility for you to setup your own shortcodes and be sure your website runs the way you want it to. The team over at Adverts is already working on giving you the option to integrate it with other plugins, for now you already have Yoast SEO and Jetpack with more to come soon. Also, Adverts was created to have a modular build, which means that you will be able to choose the modules you want to work with in addition to the core functionality provided.

15. CoffeeCup

CoffeeCup is a responsive layout maker that will help you with all your custom, content-driven layout needs. CoffeeCup features a special layout maker that will let you create your design easily and with great results. Also, CoffeeCup provides you with the possibility to analyze over 70 factors that influence your website’s usability and search rank. In addition to all of this, you get a form builder that will help you design all the forms you require for your business. CoffeeCup makes creating your very own website easy.

16. Daily Hosting

Looking for the perfect web hosting solution but don’t know where to start? Head over to DailyHosting.net where you’ll find all the information you need to know before choosing and buying ahosting solution for your web site. Daily Hosting has a wide range of hosting examples for all types of web sites. It even offers its users a free guide which allows them to compare various hosting companies once they’ve narrowed down their search to just a selected few. The reviews at Daily Hosting are also very helpful since they give a lot of insight on the features you should bear in mind before buying a hosting solution. Among these factors is your budget. Keep in mind how much you’re willing to invest in your web site and be realistic about your site’s future profit. You should also take into consideration how much traffic your site is bringing in, as well as its purpose: personal blog, photo portfolio, eCommerce site or application based web site.

17. GoJS JavaScript Library for HTML5 Canvas

GoJS is a feature rich JavaScript library which will allow you to implement interactive diagrams across modern browsers and platforms. GoJS has a wide range of advanced tools that will make user interactivity more fun: you can pan, scroll, select, delete, undo operations, drag and drop, copy and paste elements and even play around with GoJS’s extensible tool system for custom operations, event handlers and overviews. Due to the fact that this feature rich JavaScript library does not depend on any JavaScript libraries or frameworks, your users will be able to enjoy interactivity without installing plugins like Flash or Silverlight and without round trips to servers. GoJS supports graphical templates and data-binding of object properties to model data. Only the model, consisting of simple JavaScript objects, needs to be saved and restored. GoJS makes it easy to read and write models in JSON format. So head over toGoJS where you can also find the technical introduction with its hundreds of live interactive examples and the GoJS technical overview.

18. XQual

XStudio is an integrated and intuitive test management solution that will handle the versions, customer business requirements, tests, test reports and defects of all your projects. XStudio will allow you to design, carry through and log all your manual tests. You will also be able to schedule or run fully automated test campaigns. Since it uses MySQL, Oracle or SQL Server for data storing, XStudio can be used from Windows, Linux or Mac. XStudio incorporates a bug tracking database which will enable you to handle your defects and link them to your tests, specifications, requirement and products. What is more, XStudio is the only test management tool which can be interfaced with proprietary tests due to its particularly flexible and easy to use Java SDK. What sets it further apart from the rest is the versioned data which allows you to quickly get the necessary metrics and indicators like the test coverage, progress and team’s performance.

19. VirtueMart

If you need a solution to help you stay on top of your eCommerce site, then VirtueMart is the answer for you. This is an Open Source E-Commerce solution for the Joomla! Content Management System that will allow you to have an unlimited number of customers, categories, prices and orders. VirtueMart is extremely easy to use and can be run as a shopping cart, or in catalog mode. It’s suitable both for beginners and experts. Among the smart tools that VirtueMart has to offer there is the Dynamical Calculator which will help you calculate discounts and tax according to your shoppers’ group, country, state and time. VirtueMart will also allow you to display different prices for the same product according to shopper group and time zone. Furthermore, the team over at VirtueMart has just launched VM3 (also known as VirtueMart 3 core), which will bring big changes to all customers that have been using VirtueMart, amongst them you’ll find: reduced dependencies on Joomla, which means that VirtueMart has become more robust, with cleaner structure and less code, advanced cart with enhancements for better update compatibility and a lot of other improvements to help developers. This core version has undergone through testing in order to be assured that you will not run into any snags while using it.

20. MotoCMS

Looking to have your own professional looking website that does not require programing or coding skills? ThenMotoCMS is the ideal tool for you. MotoCMS is a website builder (known also as content management system) that allows users to update their web sites by implementing and viewing the changes immediately. It offers you everything you might want for your site: within seconds you can add a search field, a photo gallery, a subscription button, and you can rest assured everything will look polished. MotoCMS will help you create SEO friendly sites and its incredibly helpful Admin Panel allows you to customize and manage every detail. The Image Editor and Media Library will keep your media organized and your posts always looking sharp. MotoCMS’s websites are optimized to comply with the Google Webmaster Guidelines, keeping everything up to date at all times. Handling your own web site is now easier than ever. But still, if you need help on any topic, don’t hesitate to reach out to their friendly staff who’ll be glad to help.

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